"Prometheus" Campaign Successful!

The Prometheus Hot End Indiegogo Campaign has been fully funded!

The campaign passed the $3000 funding goal to reach $7650 by May 30th. I am very thankful for all of the incredible support that I have received from everyone in the community and I am very excited to make the Prometheus Hot End a reality!

I believe that this new hot end will set the standard for hot end performance, reliability, and customization. The Prometheus Hot End is the only all-metal hot end on the market that features user-customizable thermal "zones". This innovative design will allow RepRappers to experiment with these features and will help further our understanding of hot end science.

I am looking forward to the positive impact that this hot end design will have on future developments within RepRap. I hope you share my excitement and I really hope you all can continue to support my developments!

The Indiegogo Campaign ended a week ago but you can now pre-order Prometheus through my webstore.

I will be keeping this blog updated with the production status of the Prometheus Hot End so be sure to check back here regularly. 

Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it :)

Happy Printing!


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